Sunday, March 30, 2014

Gym-bo-Whee!!!: Creating an Exercise Studio/Gym in the Dramatic Play Center

Since our next unit surrounds physical fitness, nutrition and topics ranging from the human body to healthy habits, my co-teacher and I created one pumped-up gym. From weights crafted from a pool toy and plastic party plates (designed by my fabulous mom) to tot-sized exercise bands, I think our little gym will be buzzing with activity.

Take a look at some of the "equipment" that was created for our gym. Instructions are included in the captions. No sweat! 

Many of the items were found at Dollar Tree Dollar Stores. These stores really save you a buck and makes a teacher's job a breeze. I don't know what I do without you Dollar Tree!

Old exercise bands cut into sections 
Is it hot in here? Make sure to wear your wristbands to soak up that sweat. 
Hoop-la! Create a hula hoop jumping, hopping etc. gross motor game in your gym by placing mini-hula hoops in your dramatic play area.  (Dollar Tree
Pumping Iron! Cut long, flexible pool toys in quarters and place a heavy duty glue (My mom used Aleene's Jewel-It Embellishing Glue) thickly on ends of pool toy. Press black plastic plates over the glue. Hold for a minute so the plates adhere to the pool toy. (All items for this project were bought from Dollar Tree). 
Having a ball! Use these as exercise balls! (Dollar Tree)

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