Sunday, December 15, 2013

Sing, Sing a Song: Our Holiday Sing

Holy Jingle Bells! Has it really been a year since we had our last Holiday Sing? After a few min-meltdowns, wiggly moments and deer caught in headlights stares, the children belted out holiday favorites such as "Let It Snow" and a kiddie-friendly version of "Baby It's Cold Outside".

Rudolph's nose would have glowed a little brighter and Santa's jolly old Ho, Ho, Ho would have been breaking the sound barrier if they heard how awesome the children sounded and looked. They even performed the hand movements (which is a feat unto itself) for our little peppermint sticks!

My co-teacher and I wanted to give the children a standing ovation for their incredible efforts. I feel we may even have a few musicians in the making and numerous little hams on our hands.

Our music teacher joined in on the seasonal mania by donning a rather dapper and jaunty green and red jiggle bell elf hat that made our Sing shimmer.

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